Money Pages Franchising

What Is Money Pages®?

Money Pages began its story as a family-owned and operated monthly direct mail coupon magazine featuring money saving offers from local small businesses. We have grown to be a premium provider of targeted direct mail and digital products. Money Pages helps hundreds of small businesses tell their marketing stories while delivering every day savings to local communities.

Money Pages started with a passion to help small business owners grow and readers save money. We are now helping grow entrepreneurs with Money Pages franchise business ownership opportunities to benefit even more communities.

Our franchise fits individuals from a variety of work experiences and backgrounds. Prior sales or advertising experience is not required. Begin your next chapter as an owner-operator in your local market based on the same values of community, savings, and helping small businesses that started Money Pages.

Money Pages products

Direct Mail

  • Savings Magazines
  • Direct Mail Inserts
  • Custom Direct Mail
  • Geo-targeted Coupons

Digital Savings

  • Digital Magazine Offers
  • Mobile Coupon App
  • Email Savings
  • Social Media Savings

Digital Media

  • Website Design
  • Targeted Display Advertising
  • Video Marketing
  • Search Engine Marketing

Why Money Pages®?

Own a family-friendly franchise while helping small businesses grow and your community save money.

Franchisee Benefits

Money Pages provides the products, services, and technology to support you as a leading local marketing resource in your community. A Money Pages franchise requires no inventory, little overhead and minimal staffing. Focus on building business-to-business relationships while Money Pages provides and fulfills your local direct mail and digital products sales.

Money Pages provides:

  • Generous protected franchise marketing territories of 30,000 households each
  • Exclusive training, business coaching, and local marketing support
  • Exclusive software to manage your publications, client relationships, and billing
  • Ability to purchase group health insurance and access comprehensive human resource tools for your franchised business


“It’s the best decision I’ve ever made.”
Don Grindle
Franchise Owner, Volusia County


“It was a turn-key effort to making sure that my business was going to be successful out of the gate”
Jason Richardson
Franchise Owner, Chattanooga


“It’s a relatively low start-up cost, low overhead investment that can scale to pretty considerable heights.”
Gus Iurillo
Franchise Consultant

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Message From Our Franchise Director

Danielle Wright - Franchise Director

“Money Pages builds local relationships to help small businesses grow and readers save money. Our products deliver tangible results for clients, ongoing revenue for our franchise owners, and valuable monthly savings for readers. Contact me today and learn how to be a part of our growing community of franchise owners!”
Danielle Wright, Franchise Development Director